Desi au trecut 13 ani de când s-a dezbrăcat în filmul „Specii”, Natasha Henstridge a arătat că şi-a păstrat formele aproape intacte şi poate cuceri chiar şi bărbaţi mai tineri ca ea. Blonda de 33 de ani a început să apară la o petrecere în Malibu, însoţită de iubitul ei, Darius Danesh, în vârstă de 27 de ani. Deşi, la început, au avut ceva reţineri în a se debarasa de haine, căldura insuportabilă i-a făcut pe cei doi să dea jos textila şi să plonjeze în piscină. Actriţa a recunoscut de curând că şi-a cunoscut iubitul într-un mod mai puţin obişnuit. Cei doi s-au întâlnit la o intersecţie din Los Angeles şi, se pare că a fost dragoste la prima vedere, întrucat nici unul nu s-a mişcat timp de jumătate de oră, în ciuda culorii verde a semaforului şi a claxoanelor celorlalte maşini.
Darius Danesh, căci aşa îl cheamă pe cel care i-a furat inima Natashei la semafor, este mult mai tânăr decât ea dar asta nu îi împiedică să fie fericiţi şi să aibă planuri de căsătorie.
„Ceea ce face relaţia noastră să meargă este comunicarea şi compromisul, susţinerea reciprocă dar şi cunoaşterea limitelor”, a declarat actriţa care, în ciuda faptului că a suferit mult într-o căsătorie anterioară, este dispusă să o ia de la capăt alături de Darius.
Biography: Natasha T. Henstridge (born August 15, 1974) is a Canadian fashion model turned actress. Her most notable roles include Species and Species II.
Henstridge was born in Springdale, Newfoundland and Labrador, the daughter of Helen, a homemaker, and Brian Henstridge, a biker/contractor. She was raised in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada. At the age of thirteen, she entered the Casablanca Modeling Agency's "Look of the Year" contest and was chosen first runner-up. The following year, Henstridge went to Paris to pursue her modeling ambitions. At fifteen, she was featured on her first magazine cover, the French edition of Cosmopolitan. Several magazine covers followed and Henstridge went on to do television commercials for products such as Olay, Old Spice, and Lady Stetson. Her modeling career established, Henstridge moved on to a career in movies.
In her movie debut, in Species, Henstridge played a genetically engineered human form with extraterrestrial DNA. She breaks free from the captivity of a laboratory and embarks on a killing spree, pursued by a team of experts who band together to stop her. With a strong cast and an interesting story angle, Species was an instant hit, raking in $113 Million (USD). Notable for its sexual content, Henstridge won the MTV Movie award for "best kiss", for a scene in which her character, while kissing an aggressive would-be suitor, impales his head with her tongue.
The movie gave Henstridge a perfect platform to launch her acting career, but she could not capitalize on it as most of the following movies failed to generate the same excitement. Species spawned a sequel Species II, where a male alien was attempting to mate with Eve, a genetic duplicate of Sil. Eve was played as gentle and more docile than the original Sil. The film was a failure at the box office, taking in $19 million (USD) domestically. A few smaller independent movies followed, including Bela Donna and Dog Park, with varied box office returns. Despite having some reservations about the sci-fi genre, she signed up for John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars in the lead role and reprised her role as Eve in a brief cameo in Species III. Ghosts of Mars was not well-received, with a 21% rating in Rotten Tomatoes.
In 2000, she starred in The Whole Nine Yards, which led to its sequel The Whole Ten Yards.