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Sophie Howard (born February 24, 1983) is a glamour model from Southport, England. She appears regularly on Page Three and in lads mags like Maxim, Zoo Weekly and Loaded. She has often been photographed with other big-bust models like Lucy Pinder and Michelle Marsh. In August 2005 Howard was voted number 1 in Loaded magazine's "Most Beautiful Breasts" poll, and in the same year she was voted 73rd in the UK 'FHM' 100 Sexiest Women poll. In the 2006 poll she rose to 68th place. Howard has featured on the cover of Loaded more than any other model, appearing five times - beating Jordan by one cover.Sophie Howard was born and raised in Southport, England. She attended Christ the King Catholic High school, and was in the Salvation Army until she was 16. At 17, she became a stripper. Sophie studied English Language and Creative Writing at University, later swapping to Marketing Information Systems. During this time she signed to the IMM modelling agency, and appeared in Loaded in their "Almost Famous" and "Sauna Babes" sections. She was discovered by Loaded when they invited her to appear in their popular Sauna Girls feature, after Howard sent them amateur photographs of herself wearing a PVC catsuit. A growing fan base meant that by December 2005 Howard had risen to the cover of the magazine. Howard's popularity took off after she became associated with Jeany Savage, a glamour photographer with the Daily Star, where she worked for around a year. She subsequently signed a contract with Loaded, resulting in a relationship advice column and a regular feature called "Sophie's Choice". As of 2006, Howard has been signed to Nuts magazine for about eighteen months. In 2006 Sophie's management IMM signed an exclusive 12 month deal - for 2007 - with Dennis publishing for Sophie to frequently feature in Maxim and Bizarre.
„Până la 16 ani am mers la o şcoală catolică şi nu avem nici cea mai mică idee despre ce înseamnă bărbaţii sau alcoolul. La 17 ani am devenit însă stripteuză", o citează Daily Star pe vedetă. Deşi totul a început ca o formă de răzvrătire, odată cu trecerea anilor, Sophie a înţeles că nu este nimic greşit în a te dezbrăca. La cei 24 de ani ai săi, Sophie Howard are deja o experienţă bogată de viaţă. Şi cum altfel s-ar fi putut, dacă profesia ei de bază este aceea de model, o meserie începută din adolescenţă. Născută şi crescută în Southport, englezoaica a hotărât ca la o vârstă fragedă să-şi ia destinul în mâini. A ales o profesie care poate i-a uimit pe colegii ei de la şcoala catolică. „Nu m-am atins de băutură, droguri sau băieţi. Am ajuns la vârsta de 17 ani şi m-am apucat de striptease. Am vrut să încerc ceva nou şi să văd ce îmi aduce bun în viaţă. Am ajuns o stripteuză foarte bună şi încă mai pot să dansez", a mărturisit Sophie într-un interviu pentru revista Maxim.sursa:ziarul atac.